Monday, April 2, 2007

Welcome to my Blog

As the Executive Director of SAFE International (Stop Abuse For Everyone) along with my responsibilities at CFS-NH my schedule is currently very busy, but I believe that there are many ways to approach relationships with others that may ultimately better serve our communities and families than previous approaches.
This does not mean that Mediation is advised in cases where violent assaults have become part of anyone's relationship! As a domestic violence advocate and peer counselor , I would clearly advise against that.

However, in my capacity dealing with the heartbreak of domestic abuse and related issues, I strongly feel that early intervention, life skills, and conflict resolution skills could dramatically reduce relationship abuse in the long run for many whose lives have been ruined by a "one size fits all" system in the traditional Domestic Violence field.

This Blog will be a journey into new perspectives on these topics and into new approaches and potential solutions that will fit every individual and the others in their lives.

Please be patient as I add to this Blog as my time and schedule allows.

The time has come to consider that the perspectives that fueled the current Domestic Violence "industry" are no longer relevant today and need to change.

It's also time to consider more holistic approaches to not only our relationships with others but to our lives, and to our physical and emotional health.

Welcome to a journey that might change your life and cause ripples that can change the World!

Let's "Make a Difference" together!